Warm and Cold Core Rings Experiments

Reports of Interest to the Rings Projects

Copepods from Warm-Core Ring 82-H.   Nancy J. Copley, Peter H. Wiebe, and Timothy J. Cowles.   WHOI Technical Report: WHOI-89-24   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA.   July, 1989. (pdf format)

Midwater Fish Data Report for Warm-Core Gulf Stream Rings Cruises, 1981-1982   James E. Craddock, Richard H. Backus and Mary Ann Daher.   WHOI Technical Report: WHOI-87-42   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA.   October, 1987. (pdf format)

Zooplankton Biomass and Related MOCNESS Data for Tows Taken on the 1981-82 Warm Core Rings Cruises.   Valerie A. Barber and Peter Wiebe.   WHOI Technical Report: WHOI-85-3   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA.   January, 1985. (pdf format)

Satellite Images of Warm Core Ring 82-B: Sea Surface Temperature and a Chronological Record of Major Physical Events Affecting Ring Structure   R. Evans, K. Baker, O. Brown, R. Smith, S. Hooker, D. Olson and the Warm Core Rings Program Service Office.   January, 1984.   (pdf format)

Satellite photos

A Bibliography of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Studies of Rings in the World's Oceans   Donald B. Olson and Peter H. Wiebe.   January, 1983. (pdf format)

Last modified: April 27, 2004